The Seasoned Traveler

Recipes and remedies using herbs, spices, and other natural ingredients from the world's pantry

Clementine & Elderflower Jellies



Elderflowers, or holunderblüten, are used here in Germany to make juices, jams, and cordials, and are believed to relieve symptoms of flu, colds, and allergies and maintain healthy, clear sinuses. I found a bottle of amber syrup made of these blossoms and decided to try it in little heart-shaped jellies with clementine juice. They came out beautiful and were devoured within a few minutes! I realized this is a great way to make nutritious snacks, controlling the sugar content and loading them with vitamins and immunity-boosting nutrients. Can you find elderflower syrup where you are? If so, give this a try!

I got the idea for these jellies from the wonderful blog, Rachel Cooks, and her homemade white grape fruit snacks, and after searching some, I discovered a multitude of versions. I decided to try out a relatively small amount of gelatin (other versions use double or triple the amount) to keep them jiggly, but if you’re going for more of a chewy, gummy-bear consistency, by all means, up the amount of gelatin. I used a silicone mold for the heart shapes, but it also works in a regular glass baking dish, cut into shapes with a sharp knife or little cookie cutters. My head is spinning thinking about more shapes and flavor combinations — the possibilities are endless! Now, go discover yours.


Clementine & Elderflower Jellies

  • 2/3 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice (about 4 lemons)
  • 1 cup freshly squeezed clementine juice (about 4 clementines)
  • 1/3 cup elderflower syrup (with 50% elderflowers)
  • 1 oz./28 g. powdered gelatin


Mix the juice and syrup together in a medium saucepan. Sprinkle the gelatin over the mixture and let sit until the grains of the powder swell, about 3 minutes. Heat over medium heat, stirring constantly, until it all the gelatin is dissolved and it starts to steam but not boil, about 7 minutes. Pour into silicone molds or into a baking sheet or other container, let cool, and then cover and refrigerate for about 4 hours, or until set. Carefully remove from the molds or cut into squares or other shapes using a sharp knife or small cookie cutters. They can be kept for a week in a sealed container in the fridge, if little hands don’t get to them first…


Author: Laura Haugen

Writer, Traveler, Foodie

23 thoughts on “Clementine & Elderflower Jellies

  1. What a great idea! And they look so adorable as little chubby hearts!

  2. I like the smell of elderflower, but I didn’t know that it might be good for colds. Great idea to make jellies for kids at home!

    • I couldn’t find any studies that prove these claims, but people do seem to believe in the medicinal aspects of elderflower. Yeah, I thought this was a great idea for kids’ snacks (and I loved them too!).

  3. These colors are beautiful!

  4. So adorable and pretty! And you made these with freshly squeezed juice. Just awesome!

  5. These look wonderful! I actually love that you adjusted the amount of gelatin — I had plans to do that next time as well Thanks for linking to me. 🙂

  6. I love fruit jellies and happen to have a bottle of elderflower syrup in the pantry! These are wonderful. I doubt I can stop eating them.

    • Oh, good – so can you get elderflower syrup in the States, or did you get it abroad? I wasn’t familiar with it until I came to Europe. I’m looking forward to making another batch of these and sneaking a few more for myself – they were good with a nice sour-sweet flavor. Let me know, if you try, how you like them 🙂

  7. They look so cute! I’m going to have to give these a try. 🙂

  8. These are beautiful! I also like wobbly jelly, they are more fun to eat. 🙂

    • Yeah, I’m wondering if they could go with even less gelatin, actually, because they didn’t turn out too wobbly. They might be more fun with a little *more* wobble to them than I did! But my husband loves gummy bears and a more chewy consistency, so I’ll try it that way too sometime!

  9. Oh my goodness! These clementine & elderflower jellies are beautiful. And, more beautiful and equally edible is that gorgeous little hand in the photos.

  10. Wow what a cool recipe. Great idea! These are so beautiful.

  11. Pingback: Sloes and Elderflowers Part 2 - Countlan Magazine

  12. Pingback: 50+ Best Clementine Recipes

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