The Seasoned Traveler

Recipes and remedies using herbs, spices, and other natural ingredients from the world's pantry

Beet, Carrot & Goat Cheese Stack with Chive-Pistachio Pesto


BeetStackTSTI believe there’s some wisdom in the mantra, “Eat Your Colors,” and this little stack of goodness embraces it. Just the sight of these colorful layers of earthy red beet, crisp grated carrot, soft melt-in-your-mouth goat cheese and a drizzle of chive-pistachio pesto energizes me. As an appetizer, lunch, or side dish, this is one mighty tower of wholesome goodness. Have you filled your plate with colors today?


Beet, Carrot & Goat Cheese Stack with Chive-Pistachio Pesto

  • Servings: 2
  • Difficulty: easy
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  • 2 thick slices cut from the center of roasted or steamed beets (ends reserved for another use)*
  • 100 g./ 3.5 oz. of soft, pliable goat cheese
  • 2 small carrots, grated
  • 1/2 cup chopped chives
  • 2 Tbs. pistachios for the pesto, plus 2 tsp. more for crumbling on top
  • zest and juice of 1/2 lemon
  • 1 mint leaf (optional)
  • 1/3 cup olive oil (to taste)
  • salt & pepper to taste


  1. Place the beet slices on individual plates. Use a ring mold or other round shape that roughly fits the size of the beet (you could cut off the bottom of a paper cup and use the remaining funnel shape upside down as a ring mold) to shape the next layer of grated carrot on each plate, then the next layer of goat cheese. (Just press each layer down with your fingers as you hold the ring in place and then lift the ring carefully before proceeding to the next layer.)
  2. In a blender, blitz the chives, 2 Tbs. pistachios, lemon zest and juice, and mint leaf. Drizzle the olive oil in slowly while continuing to blend until smooth and emulsified. Taste and add salt & pepper to desired seasoning.
  3. Pour the pesto over the top of the stacks and add some crumbled pistachios on top. Enjoy!


* A note on preparing the beets: I bought my beets pre-cooked and marinated, but you could peel and steam raw beets until soft or roast them. To roast, cover each whole (washed but unpeeled) beet in aluminum foil, place them in a roasting dish or baking sheet and cook at 375 F/ 190 C for about one hour. When cool enough to touch, unwrap the foil peel the skin off the beets. I find they are tasty marinated with some olive oil, vinegar, sugar, and salt & pepper as in this recipe.

Author: Laura Haugen

Writer, Traveler, Foodie

74 thoughts on “Beet, Carrot & Goat Cheese Stack with Chive-Pistachio Pesto

  1. So pretty ! And fresh. I’d love this!

  2. Gorgeous!!! Did you use biscuit molds to shape the layers?

  3. Perfection! This post is right up my alley…I can’t help but plan and prepare meals around the colors on the plate! These little stacks are beautiful! I imagine the flavors combined in each bite are fabulous!

    • Thanks, Nancy! I’m so glad to hear you like it. I heard somewhere that beet & goat cheese salads were passe, and I had to disagree – such a classic combo and one that I love, I will definitely keep making it 🙂 It’s fun to mix it up a bit too and I was pleasantly surprised with the visual of this stack, and it was tasty!

  4. Mmm love beets and goat cheese, and these little stack creations took my breath away! How inventive!

  5. Ok, this is so creative, and full of so much flavor! Wow!!

  6. Love the freshness of this. Looks really good!

  7. Such fresh flavors and colors. Beautiful penetration! 🙂

  8. This is just stunning. I love the classic beet and goat cheese combo, but the idea of a stack is so new to me. The pesto looks so amazing. This to me is the crowning glory. I must make this!

    • Thanks, Amanda! I loved the pesto, it was a pleasant surprise to me that chives are suitable for making pesto! And a flavorful one, I loved it with the beet-goat cheese combo. I first saw the “stack” trend at a little restaurant in Maine serving a “lobster stack” as an appetizer – with a mango sauce, yum! This one is easy but gives it a little dramatic visual appeal, I think 😉

  9. That looks yummy!! I wish I could eat cheese 😦

  10. These are gorgeous, Laura! The colors are so pretty and that chive pistachio pesto sounds right up my alley!

  11. Looks sensational, Laura ! 🙂 Tell me: you use the word ‘pesto’ … so could this version of same be used in the same way as another other kind, please ?

    • Hi M-R, thanks! I do think this pesto could be used in the same way, in pasta, etc. I didn’t add any parmesan or other cheese to this pesto (because of the goat cheese in the stack already) but otherwise it is just like a regular pesto.

  12. Love it! what a gorgeous presentation and tasty dish. The pesto also goes perfectly with this, I really love your very creative approach. Absolutely delicious.

    • Thank you, Suzanne! I really appreciate your kind words. I have to say I was unsure that the look or sound of this dish would be appealing to people besides me, and it’s great to hear you love the idea. I thought it was tasty and I felt really good after eating all these fresh ingredients. I find I feel good after eating a variety of colors like this 🙂

  13. You always bring such beautiful food to the table. I love this Laura. I’m afraid mine would not look so perfectly placed. Maybe I need a biscuit mold!

    • That’s so nice of you to say, thanks!!! Well, this is far from perfectly placed – I had to smoosh the cheese into the biscuit mold and I’m afraid there were lots of imperfections. But in the end, it was a tasty combo of fresh ingredients. I like experimenting with these stacks for the visual appeal and wanted to showcase all that fresh color; so happy you like it 🙂

  14. Oh, I am so drooling over your dish!

  15. It looks very tempting 🙂

  16. Pingback: Fiesta Friday #20 | The Novice Gardener

  17. I love the bright colors in this dish. Thank you for bringing it to Fiesta Friday, and have a wonderful weekend!

  18. Gorgeous presentation! Fantastic recipe, definitely going to be giving this one a try. Happy Fiesta Friday! 🙂

  19. That is definitely a little stack of loveliness 🙂

  20. Oh gosh – this looks so good – fresh and just gorgeous! Bookmarking this one! Happy Fiesta Friday!

  21. Happy Fiesta Friday #20, Darling Laura! It is always a treat to come to your blog. You make dishes that are beauties to the eyes and fun to the palate. Bakes beets are one of my favorites, and together with other fabulous things it is stacked… Wow! I’ll have one at the party to have a pleasant dream tonight! 😛 あ.. たまらない!

    • Thank you for your sweet words, Fae, I always appreciate your feedback! Thank you for being such a wonderful host of FF, along with Angie and Suzanne, too. I’m so happy you like this beet stack and truly honored to be featured on FF alongside all the wonderful offerings. xoxo

  22. Beautiful and delicious looking!

  23. This looks absolutely divine! I can’t wait to try that pesto… It might be really interesting with fresh mozzarella as well, don’t you think?

  24. Laura this plate is stunning! It could be the cover of a food magazine!

    • Oh my, well thank you so much! That’s some compliment. Funny because I actually feared it wouldn’t be appealing at all – visually or the sound of it, so I’m so glad you like it 🙂 I found it very tasty and wholesome, the kind of meal that makes me feel good afterwards.

  25. These looks absolutely amazing. So beautiful that I’d be hesitant to eat them!

  26. What a great idea. I love pesto, beets and goat cheese. Summer stacking is so fun with fresh garden veggies.

  27. These look delicious and I love the colours! I have a jar of pesto/dip that I made with leftover mint pesto and other stuff. Your recipe could be a good way of using up some of it. Can’t wait to try it out soon.

  28. Pingback: Fiesta Friday #21 | The Novice Gardener

  29. Found this recipe through Fiesta Friday and I have to say… yum! Chive and pistachio? I never would have thought of it! I’ve pinned the recipe and can’t wait to try it. Thanks! x Beth

    • Thanks, Beth! So happy you stopped by, and nice to see you at Fiesta Friday! Chive & pistachio was a bit of an experiment, and I was pleasantly surprised that it worked great as a pesto. Let me know how you like it if you try! Thanks, -Laura

  30. looks delicious and colourful with pista pesto……can’t wait to try it out soon…

  31. It can’t get better than this. Beautiful presentation and a healthy dish.

  32. Gorgeous. I have to try more “pretty” foods. Thanks for the inspiration.

  33. I just HAVE TO try this. Thank you!

  34. I could easily eat 20 of these. Beautiful dish!

  35. Reblogged this on niketacalameharris: Being Domestic and commented:
    Def want to try this recipe this summer

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