The Seasoned Traveler

Recipes and remedies using herbs, spices, and other natural ingredients from the world's pantry


Steamed White Asparagus with Hollandaise Sauce, Chervil & Ham

AsparagusTSTIt’s a little early for asparagus here in Germany, though buds are blossoming and fair-weather birds have returned, but we’re getting imported white asparagus from Greece with purple hues at their tips. Once steamed, the fat white spears turn buttery soft and sweet and go so nicely with a heaping of rich and lemony hollandaise sauce (made super easy with an immersion blender), a sprinkling of herbs (I used chervil here, but chives work well too) and coils of sliced ham. A plateful of flavors to usher in a glorious asparagus season!

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Fall in Berlin

I’ve had quite a week of catching up with friends and making some life-altering decisions — more on this later — along with some cooking and leaf-peeping. While I don’t have any new Seasoned Traveler recipes to share today, I highly recommend this Purple Plum Torte (let it rest overnight – you’ll love how the jammy plums get sweeter!) from Smitten Kitchen and this Ginger Apple Torte from Food52 (if, like me, you don’t have molasses on hand, cooked diced dates or simply an additional dose of brown sugar will make great substitutes).

This fall season in Berlin was just too beautiful to miss a day out in nature, so I spent today in Berlin’s Grunewald, or literally the “green forest” that happens to extend from our very backyard. Here I’m sharing a different kind of recipe — equal parts fresh air, scenic beauty, and a gorgeous spectrum of fall colors. Enjoy the season wherever you are!

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