The Seasoned Traveler

Recipes and remedies using herbs, spices, and other natural ingredients from the world's pantry

Rhubarb & Strawberry Parfaits with Mascarpone-Yogurt and Shortbread Crumble



We have eaten well this week. Heart-healthy veggie salad? Check. More veggies, fresh herbs and whole grains? Check. Now time for something just a bit sweet for our Fiesta Friday virtual get-together over at the Novice Gardener. I’ve missed the last two parties, and there’s no way I’m going to miss out on the amazing eats and conversation this time around. Spring has sprung over here in Germany, and the rhubarb is out. That alone is enough reason to party. I’ll be bringing mini-parfaits of stewed rhubarb, fresh strawberries, a whipped mascarpone yogurt, and some shortbread cookie crumble. Now to find my dance shoes and I’m good to go. (They don’t call me L-Boogie for nothing.) Thanks to Angie once again for her fabulous hosting. Happy Fiesta Friday to everyone!


Recipe to come soon – still trying to locate my platform boots….

Phew! I knew they were around here somewhere! Okay, here we go:


Rhubarb & Strawberry Parfaits with Mascarpone-Yogurt and Shortbread Crumble

(Stewed Rhubarb adapted from Jamie Oliver’s recipe )

Makes one dozen mini-parfaits, with a little leftover stewed rhubarb to enjoy with breakfast or on yogurt or ice cream or… hmmmm the possibilities!

Cinnamon Shortbread Cookie Crumble

  • 1 stick (113 g.) cold unsalted butter, cut into uniform 1/4-inch cubes
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1/4 cup confectioners sugar
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon
  • pinch of salt
  • 1 Tbs. turbinado sugar

Stewed Rhubarb

  • 7 long stalks of rhubarb, washed and leaves removed, chopped into 1/4-inch chunks (550 g./19 oz. total)
  • zest & juice of one orange (about 1/4 cup juice)
  • 1/2 Tbs. freshly grated ginger
  • 3 Tbs. turbinado sugar
  • 2 Tbs. water

Whipped Vanilla-Mascarpone Yogurt

  • 1 and 1/2 cup plain natural yogurt
  • 1 and 1/2 cup mascarpone
  • 1 vanilla bean, sliced down the middle and seeds gently removed from the pod with a knife or spoon
  • 1/4 cup confectioners sugar (more or less to taste)

24 medium to large strawberries, cut into small bite-size pieces.


  1. First, make the shortbread crumble: Preheat the oven to 350 F/180 C. Line a baking sheet or baker’s half sheet with parchment paper. Cube the cold butter and set aside. In a large bowl, combine the flour, confectioners sugar, cinnamon and pinch of salt and mix with a whisk. Add the butter cubes and combine with your hands (or a food processor), mixing it until it resembles coarse crumbs and then comes together in a sticky ball of dough (not too sticky though – if it’s too sticky to spread, add a little bit more flour). Spread the dough out on the parchment paper – no need to shape or stretch it to the edges, since it will be crumbled, but just spread it out thin, sprinkle with turbinado sugar, and bake for about 25 minutes, or until slightly golden brown around the edges. Let cool on a rack and crumble when ready to assemble parfaits.
  2. Meanwhile, make the stewed rhubarb (this is adapted just slightly from the Jamie Oliver recipe here). Combine chopped rhubarb, zest & juice, grated ginger, sugar & water in a medium pot and bring to a boil, then cover and simmer for about 5 minutes, or until rhubarb is softened but still brightly colored and mostly intact. Remove from heat and let cool.
  3. Whip the yogurt, mascarpone, vanilla bean seeds, and confectioners sugar first with a spatula or spoon and then with a whisk and lots of muscle to get it smooth. Taste and adjust sugar to desired sweetness.
  4. Assemble the parfaits in little glasses or bowls. I think I started with the mascarpone-yogurt, then rhubarb, then crumble, then strawberries, then repeated and added an extra dollop of stewed rhubarb on top — but go with whatever layers you like. Can be refrigerated for a short time, but best enjoyed immediately to keep the crumble crisp. Enjoy!

Author: Laura Haugen

Writer, Traveler, Foodie

56 thoughts on “Rhubarb & Strawberry Parfaits with Mascarpone-Yogurt and Shortbread Crumble

  1. Must have recipe! šŸ™‚ These are beautifully presented, love the shortbread crumble. YUM!

  2. Now that’s what I call a tease Laura! List of ingredients, check… tempting photos, check… recipe to make now, huh? No check, Lol. I’ll be waiting…patiently šŸ™‚

    • Sorry to keep you hanging like that! šŸ™‚ I had to run to pick up my little one. Glad to hear this entices you – I love that tart rhubarb with a little sweetness. And this is so easy to make. I’d be honored if you tried this out and let me know how it goes!

      • Never fear…I’m still hungry and that wasn’t a long wait at all! I’ve already pinned it so it’s handy when the fresh rhubarb is available here:) I’ll be sure to let you know when I make it!

  3. Pingback: Fiesta Friday #8 | The Novice Gardener

  4. Wow – so many great flavors! When I clicked the link from Fiesta Friday, I was excited to see a Strawberry Trifle, but then I was pleasantly surprised to see rhubarb and mascarpone, too! Just lovely – what a colorful addition for spring šŸ™‚

    • Thanks, Lisa. I was inspired by the Jamie Oliver recipe for stewed rhubarb, but I couldn’t stop at pairing it with just yogurt – a little mascarpone makes it decadent, no? I love colorful dishes too, and your salad is just stunning! I’m so happy spring is here. -Laura

  5. Beautiful parfait’s and how good you are eating all the good foods this week. Your sweet treat is decadent with no guilt! Love it.

  6. So many healthy and delicious things, arranged in a way that is incredibly pleasing to the eye! You sure do eat well! Delicious.

  7. Your photos are truly beautiful. The hub loves Rhubarb, may have to try this out! I love this for spring, too!

    • Thanks! My hubby loves rhubarb too, so I was mostly making this for him (though I ate more than my share of it!). I think he might actually prefer it without the ginger and orange like I used here, so if your hubby is a rhubarb purist like mine is, you might want to go for straight rhubarb/sugar/water for the stewed rhubarb part. I personally liked the ginger/orange flavors, but just wanted to let you know it’s a little different! Anyway, thanks for your kind comment and I hope you & your hubby love it if you try it!

  8. Looks so refreshing,healthy and delicious! Well done! šŸ™‚

  9. Wow this looks so good! I’ve always been a little afraid of rhubarb that wasn’t in a pie. I need to experiment more.

  10. Rubharb is my absolute favourite. Battle so much to get them but when I do, oh boy…

  11. Wow, I love this recipe and your stunning, vibrant photos – wonderful! šŸ™‚ I really love rhubarb, I associate it with spring, because that was the season when it usually would be available in Switzerland, where I grew up, and people would make all kinds of things with rhubarb. I rarely come across it here in Miami, but this really makes me want to cook something with rhubarb! Thanks for sharing this lovely creation!

    • Thanks so much, Sylvia. That’s a huge compliment coming from you, since I admire your photos for how vibrant and beautiful they are! The Germans are very much into seasonal produce too, so when the rhubarb is ready, people make all kinds of things with it for a few weeks straight! Asparagus season is coming here, and I can’t wait!

  12. I love rhubarb, it is not out yet in Northern Ireland, and I am looking forward to it. Those photo looks so beautiful and lovely, I love to try this recipe when rhubarb is out here. šŸ™‚

  13. Love the recipe & love your stunning pictures. I am not very fond of rhubarb, but this makes me want to give them another chance šŸ™‚

  14. Loving the fresh fruit – sounds so delicious!

  15. These look absolutely delicious!

  16. Laura, these look perfect for spring! Your photos are beautiful and the parfait is mouth-watering. šŸ˜€

  17. I absolutely love the flavour combination in this dessert… It is fresh and colourful šŸ™‚ And you little glasses are so cute! By the way, you are so lucky to have rhubarb, we are still in the ice and snow here !

    • I hope you get some warm spring weather soon! Thanks so much for stopping by, Catherine, I love your beautiful blog. These glasses are for Turkish tea, but I thought I’d try them out for the parfaits – they made nice little portions šŸ™‚

  18. I love strawberries and rhubarb- not to mention shortbread…. but I love your presentation (especially the glasses!) as well. Gorgeous!

  19. Oh, these are so pretty! The color just pops and is so cheerful. I do love rhubarbs, maybe a little too much since I have a hard time harvesting mine. They look so bold and dramatic in that tropical way that I couldn’t get myself to cut them. Maybe I should plant more, then I can have one for eating and another for looking at. Did I say how pretty these are? šŸ™‚

    • Thanks so much, Angie! So funny you have a hard time cutting rhubarb. I have fond memories of hiding in the rhubarb patch during hide-and-seek or kick-the-can games when I was little. I’m sure I thought I was inconspicuous huddling in those tropical-looking stalks and leaves. So maybe letting some of them grow is good for little ones’ imaginations too! Hope you’re having a great week & I look forward to the next fabulous FF! xo -Laura

  20. Oooh these are so petty!! Almost too pretty to eat. šŸ˜€

  21. It looks like your parfaits will be the bright spot at the party. Rhubarb won’t be showing up in our markets until May and this sounds like a perfect way to use some when it arrives.

  22. it looks wonderful!

  23. This is super delicious, I’m 100% sure about that. Love the way you have presented it.

  24. I’m going on a hunt for rhubarb this afternoon… I wonder if there is any to be had in DC yet? I love anything with strawberries and rhubarb… Thanks for the gorgeous post šŸ™‚

  25. Strawberries and rhubarb are like two peas in a pod LOL I cannot wait for our season to begin and of course enjoy your delicious trifle šŸ™‚

  26. These look so pretty and delicious! Need to try it, bookmarking this. šŸ™‚

  27. Hi Laura. You have rhubarb already? How lucky you are! Your parfaits are absolutely gorgeous and sound so delicious. Thanks so much for bringing these to the party! I will bookmark your recipe and make it when we have rhubarbā€¦in a few months, I’m sure!

    • Yeah, I thought it was early for rhubarb too, but I was so happy to see it! I’m looking forward to the parade of fresh spring produce – we’re starting to see (imported) white asparagus now, so it really feels like the start of spring! Thanks so much for visiting, I hope you like the recipe and get some spring weather!

  28. Laura, your post left me speechless… Such a beautiful precious presentation, gorgeous clicks and a yummy recipe. Awesome…can’t take my eyes off!

  29. Pingback: Strawberry & Rhubarb Roundup | The Seasoned Traveler

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